Emergency First Aid

Aim of the Course.
For participants to acquire the knowledge, practical skills and understanding necessary for the provision and coordination of first aid in the event of an emergency.

The Course is suitable for:
This comprehensive one-day course is particularly suited to anyone who is likely to have to respond to emergencies in the home, workplace or in the community. This emergency first aid course will also enable participants to act as a back up to Occupational First Aiders in the workplace.

Number of participants:
Maximum of 12 people 

Course Programme:

  • Accident Management and patient assessment
  • Respiratory emergencies
  • Cardiac first response
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Altered levels of Consciousness
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Burns, Scalds, Chemicals, Poison, Electric shock


Classroom based learning, group discussion and scenarios specific to the work environment.

Manual for Course:
Emergency First Aid book by Health and Safety publishers Ireland.

There is a 10-question exam and each learner will be assessed throughout the day on their skills and full participation is required to receive certification.

Participants receive Emergency first aid certificate from David Grogan Training Services.

Duration of Course:
1 day.