Aim of the Course.
For people to recognise life-threatening emergencies, provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – CPR, use an Automated External Defibrillator – AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner.
The Course is suitable for:
A Cardiac First Responder may be part of the Emergency Medical Services, a Healthcare Practitioner, or a member of the public.
Number of participants:
Course Programme:
- Patient Assessment
- Adult CPR
- Child CPR
- Infant CPR
- Use of Face Mask Barrier Devices
- Automated External Defibrillator – AED
- Recovery (safe airway) Position
- Adult Choking – Conscious and Unconscious
- Child Choking – Conscious and Unconscious
- Infant Choking – Conscious and Unconscious
- Airway Obstruction Adult, Child and Infant
- Aspirin Administration for Heart Attack
- Stroke
Classroom based learning, group discussion and scenarios specific to the work environment.
Manual for Course:
CFR Book by health and safety publishers
There is no exam, but each learner will be assessed throughout the day on their skills and full participation is required to receive certification.
You will receive an Irish Heart Foundation / CFR Community course completion card and a Heart saver CPR AED course completion card.
Duration of Course:
4 hours approx.