Hot Work & Fire Watch

Aim of the Course
To reduce the risk from fire when carrying out hot work on construction sites, refurbishment projects and during maintenance work. The course will help you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of fire safety when conducting hot work to employers and clients.

The Course is suitable for:

  • Roofers
  • Steel workers
  • Construction managers
  • Site managers
  • Building managers
  • Welders


Course Programme:

  • Legislative requirements
  • Examples of fire damage caused by hot work and analysis of damage
  • Principles of fire risk assessment
  • Fire science
  • How to identify hazards at temporary hot work sites
  • Gas hazards
  • Hot work supervision plan
  • Safety precautions
  • Fire watch
  • Hot work operator
  • Actions in case of emergency



Classroom based learning, group discussion and scenarios specific to the work environment. Can also be held in a virtual classroom.

Each learner will complete an MCQ and use of fire extinguisher and fire blankets assessment

DG Safety certificate valid for 3 years

Duration of Course:
Approx. 4 hours